Monday, October 31, 2011

Red Raider Donut Dash

This was the first annual Red Raider Donut Dash. One of our interns, Zack, came up with the idea after learning of the event they do up in North Carolina called the Krispy Kreme Challenge. Through organization, sponsors, participants and lots of fun, we raised over $4000 for the Texas Tech Wesley Foundation.

The event itself was a 1.5 mile run, eat a dozen donuts, run back 1.5 miles. You could do it competitively which meant you run, you eat and you run again. You could do it for fun which means you run or walk, you get a dozen donuts and you run or walk back. Many opted for the fun team challenge. This is where you all walk or run, share a dozen donuts and walk or run back. Costume optional.

We had a great turn out for the first time. We had over 120 participants who all voiced that they enjoyed the race and look forward to participating next year. We are excited for the potential for growth. The first Krispy Kreme Challenge had under 100 people, the next year the had in the thousands. Word got out and people came in flocks.

I am glad to be part of such an incredible team. I am excited for next years dash and to see how many turn out! Thanks again for your constant support!

Wesley Fall Retreat

Wow, what a great first retreat for me here at the Wesley. It was in beautiful Sacramento New Mexico. The people who hosted us were amazing and the scenery was beautiful. We had a total of 90 students attend. 100 of us total with staff. Sean Gladding was our speaker. Topic "Getting down and dirty with Jesus."

My highlights from the trip? Praise and worship was amazing. Being in nature was fabulous. Spending time with the students was refreshing. Even though we were physically exhausted and had lack of sleep, I came home refreshed and filled up. It was a marvelous time.

We played hard, heard a great teaching and met the Lord in worship every session. I can't wait for spring retreat in mid Feb.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Enjoy the photos.