Saturday, November 26, 2011

40th Birthday time!!!!!

Well, as you all know, I just recently turned 40 on Nov. 10th. I have been looking forward to this celebration for a long time!!! I wanted to post some pics of some sweet friends.

I love being 40 and so far it is not any different from being 30!

Love ya'll!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Church!

Last night I had my first opportunity to teach at underground. Thank you for all your prayers. I was very calm and feel I communicated clearly what was on my heart. I will attach a link to the Wesley home page so if you would like to listen to the teaching you can. click on latest podcast "the church"
I love how the Holy Spirit met us there and allowed the body of Christ function and the power of the Holy Spirit move. God is so faithful. I look forward to the testimonies of what God did in individuals hearts and how the body of Christ was strengthened and encouraged.

I am thankful for this calling God has placed me in and I hope I choose accountability in Christ and the Holy Spirit first and above all else.

Tonight I am looking forward to my birthday celebration to be with friends and for ya'll to see where it is I am ministering and being used.

Love and blessings to all and thanks again for your love and support!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prayer please!

Next Thurs. Nov 17th, I will be preaching at Underground on "the Church." I am very excited for this opportunity and challenge to do something out of my comfort zone. I will be preaching form Acts and 1 Corinthians on pentecost and the gifts of the spirit. At the end, we will have a time of impartation of spiritual gifts and a time for the students to move in the gifting's they feel they are being called to.

I would appreciate prayers and discernment from the Holy Spirit for order and freedom to be who God has called us to be.... The Body Of Christ, The Church.

You can listen to the teaching on the Wesley home page @ click on podcast. It will not be posted till after the 17th:)


Board Meeting

Ok so I just experienced my first board meeting. It ran very smoothly and I feel like great things are going to continue to come from the Wesley.

We talked about how we can better connect with the parents of the students who participate in the programs and alternate ways of how to build relationships with students outside the Wesley. We feel this is important to build relationships so that when, not if, troubles come they have someone to talk to and lead them into relationship with a savior named Jesus.

We feel like our mission of raising up a generation of christians who lead doesn't mean just in ministry settings. We are encouraging students to get involved wherever they are and with whatever their interests are and being intentional to be Christ in the places. We know and understand it's not about a building or ministry, it's about taking the gospel to the lost and making disciples of men.

I love that I get to be part of this team and organization that cares about people. I am truly blessed!!!

Women's retreat!

Last weekend we had our first women's retreat. It turned out to be a really great time. 16 girls came Fri. night for a campfire with hotdogs, s'mores, games and fun. We slept at the Wesley and woke up to breakfast. Pancakes, fruit, yogurt and poptarts. We split up to watch the Tech vs. UT game then met back at 5pm to make some yummy tortilla soup. Everyone helped in the preparation and fellowship was good while preparing.

That night after dinner, myself and 11 girls sat around the front room and had an intimate time of Q&A. It was incredible! The girls asked questions ranging from what are spiritual gifts, to what each one's favorite bible verse is, and even questions about greatest fears and sex. These girls were hungry to hear the truth, know that they are ok, and be accepted for who they are and where they are in their walk with the Lord.

After Q&A time we all wrote our names on card stock and passed it around the circle to affirm, encourage and bless each other with bible verses, words of affirmation and kind words about each character. It was a beautiful time to draw closer together and nearer to the Lord.

I am very blessed by the call the Lord has placed on my life and still can't believe that i even get to call this my job. It is fulfilling and wonderful!!!

Thanks again for your prayers, love and support!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Red Raider Donut Dash

This was the first annual Red Raider Donut Dash. One of our interns, Zack, came up with the idea after learning of the event they do up in North Carolina called the Krispy Kreme Challenge. Through organization, sponsors, participants and lots of fun, we raised over $4000 for the Texas Tech Wesley Foundation.

The event itself was a 1.5 mile run, eat a dozen donuts, run back 1.5 miles. You could do it competitively which meant you run, you eat and you run again. You could do it for fun which means you run or walk, you get a dozen donuts and you run or walk back. Many opted for the fun team challenge. This is where you all walk or run, share a dozen donuts and walk or run back. Costume optional.

We had a great turn out for the first time. We had over 120 participants who all voiced that they enjoyed the race and look forward to participating next year. We are excited for the potential for growth. The first Krispy Kreme Challenge had under 100 people, the next year the had in the thousands. Word got out and people came in flocks.

I am glad to be part of such an incredible team. I am excited for next years dash and to see how many turn out! Thanks again for your constant support!

Wesley Fall Retreat

Wow, what a great first retreat for me here at the Wesley. It was in beautiful Sacramento New Mexico. The people who hosted us were amazing and the scenery was beautiful. We had a total of 90 students attend. 100 of us total with staff. Sean Gladding was our speaker. Topic "Getting down and dirty with Jesus."

My highlights from the trip? Praise and worship was amazing. Being in nature was fabulous. Spending time with the students was refreshing. Even though we were physically exhausted and had lack of sleep, I came home refreshed and filled up. It was a marvelous time.

We played hard, heard a great teaching and met the Lord in worship every session. I can't wait for spring retreat in mid Feb.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Enjoy the photos.