Saturday, November 12, 2011

Women's retreat!

Last weekend we had our first women's retreat. It turned out to be a really great time. 16 girls came Fri. night for a campfire with hotdogs, s'mores, games and fun. We slept at the Wesley and woke up to breakfast. Pancakes, fruit, yogurt and poptarts. We split up to watch the Tech vs. UT game then met back at 5pm to make some yummy tortilla soup. Everyone helped in the preparation and fellowship was good while preparing.

That night after dinner, myself and 11 girls sat around the front room and had an intimate time of Q&A. It was incredible! The girls asked questions ranging from what are spiritual gifts, to what each one's favorite bible verse is, and even questions about greatest fears and sex. These girls were hungry to hear the truth, know that they are ok, and be accepted for who they are and where they are in their walk with the Lord.

After Q&A time we all wrote our names on card stock and passed it around the circle to affirm, encourage and bless each other with bible verses, words of affirmation and kind words about each character. It was a beautiful time to draw closer together and nearer to the Lord.

I am very blessed by the call the Lord has placed on my life and still can't believe that i even get to call this my job. It is fulfilling and wonderful!!!

Thanks again for your prayers, love and support!

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