Saturday, November 12, 2011

Board Meeting

Ok so I just experienced my first board meeting. It ran very smoothly and I feel like great things are going to continue to come from the Wesley.

We talked about how we can better connect with the parents of the students who participate in the programs and alternate ways of how to build relationships with students outside the Wesley. We feel this is important to build relationships so that when, not if, troubles come they have someone to talk to and lead them into relationship with a savior named Jesus.

We feel like our mission of raising up a generation of christians who lead doesn't mean just in ministry settings. We are encouraging students to get involved wherever they are and with whatever their interests are and being intentional to be Christ in the places. We know and understand it's not about a building or ministry, it's about taking the gospel to the lost and making disciples of men.

I love that I get to be part of this team and organization that cares about people. I am truly blessed!!!

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