Friday, November 18, 2011

The Church!

Last night I had my first opportunity to teach at underground. Thank you for all your prayers. I was very calm and feel I communicated clearly what was on my heart. I will attach a link to the Wesley home page so if you would like to listen to the teaching you can. click on latest podcast "the church"
I love how the Holy Spirit met us there and allowed the body of Christ function and the power of the Holy Spirit move. God is so faithful. I look forward to the testimonies of what God did in individuals hearts and how the body of Christ was strengthened and encouraged.

I am thankful for this calling God has placed me in and I hope I choose accountability in Christ and the Holy Spirit first and above all else.

Tonight I am looking forward to my birthday celebration to be with friends and for ya'll to see where it is I am ministering and being used.

Love and blessings to all and thanks again for your love and support!!!

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